Equal Opportunities For Women and Men: Awareness-raising Activities across the Regions of CR

Czech Women’s Union was awarded a grant under the 1st call of the Czech NGO Fund (Priority I, Ib. Gender equality) for a project titled Rovné příležitosti žen a mužů: osvětové aktivity zacílené do regionů ČR (Equal Opportunities For Women and Men: Awareness-raising Activities across the Regions of the Czech Rep), reg. number 3620005.

The project will be implemented between August 2014 and April 2016. Summary of the project is provided below, detailed /on-going information as well as project activities, outputs / results will be provided in a dedicated section of our website here (in Czech language).

Project summary:

Equal opportunities for women and men are for some time already well-established terms, and so is the basic understanding of elementary facts regarding the scale, forms, causes and consequences of violence against women (VAW). At least among gender experts and the interested professional public. Everyday reality however suggests different stories. While equal opportunities and discourse related to gender issues in general are often seen as “feminist inventions and nonsenses”, VAW in all its forms still strikes women from all kinds of backgrounds and of all ages and shows only modest tendency for decrease, if at all. It is also symptomatic, that the Czech Republic is one of the few CoE countries that have still not signed the Istanbul Convention.

To help increase the awareness about selected gender issues (with special focus on VAW and the Istanbul Convention) among general public and spread the understanding of equal opportunities and importance of gender sensitive policies and measures among public living off the major centres, in small towns and rural areas, we have prepared a project that comprises of information campaign and capacity building activities while taking advantage of our member base spread across the regions of the Czech Republic so that the message of the project would reach out to public that is otherwise difficult to reach by similar (any) projects.

The project activities include information campaign carried out in regions of CR (seminars, information kits, media activities) as well capacity building activities to strengthen the professional knowledge and skills of our individual members across the country so that they can fully engage in these issues and work effectively with other relevant organizations and partner networks where they live. All published materials will be made available to interested public also in e-format, downloadable from our websites.

Information campaign will be carried out throughout 2015. Stay tuned and follow us both here and on our social networks: Facebook and Twitter (related information is and will be provided also in English).


Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants


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